Ed Davenport, a man living in Ohio, has lost over 300 pounds in 3 years, without surgery! He went from weighing 560 pounds to around 240 pounds.
I think that people like this are great, and it's awesome that they are committed to being healthy. It's amazing that people can lose this much weight.
That is awesome. Not a lot of people have that much will power to exercise anymore and he dropped about 2 average sized people in 3 years.
Wow that is amazing, if he can loose that much wait then anyone should be able to loose wait because i bet that was hard doing that, i can't imagine how hard that would be, i would pry be to lazy to do that, but good for him!
Wow! he must have been very determined to lose weight. I am very proud of him! For some people they can't even stay on a diet. Good for him. I home he keeps up the good work!
That is awesome that this guy tried so hard to lose so much weight. He really was committed and that is just awesome! Props to him
This is awesome! Now I mean look at this. He's committed! Hopefully he will be an inspiration to other obese people.
Yeah, it's great that he lost all of that weight. I hope he can keep exercising and eating well to keep the weight off.
Good for him. I can't even imagine being over 500 pounds, but he managed to come back from that. It was probably all from a diet change too, because I can't imagine someone over 500 pounds being able to exercise.
This is awesome that he did that it shows that he had goal and he got that goal so congratulations to him.
This is a great feat. im glad that he made the decision to loose weight. He will be thankful for his choice for the rest of his life.
That's so cool! It takes a lot of dedication to get active and heathly I wish more people were like that!