Man Kills Family, Then Himself

A South Florida man kills his wife and son in their house and then drove 460 miles to his other son on the other side of the state to kill him then slits his own throat with a knife.  

Why would a man kill his family then himself?

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  • It is weird how people think know a days. I could never imagine doing something like this, or even think of doing something like that. He had to of had a motive to drive all the way across the state to kill his brother also.

  • He's probably crazy. Maybe he did something wrong and didn't want anyone to know. I wonder what his motive was.

  • This is absolutely crazy. I have no idea why anybody would do this. Just proves that their are messed up people out their. 

  • This is absolutely crazy. I have no idea why anybody would do this. Just proves that their are messed up people out their. 

  • People in the world these days are becoming crazy killers I don't understand. I don't know why anyone would ever do this, or think about it. It is terrible!

  • I don't see why he had to bring his family into things. If he had things he felt like he couldn't deal with and felt like the only way out of it was to take his own life, he could have done it without killing his family.

  • I think this man had mental problems. He might have been planning to kill himself the whole time, like the Westroads mall shooter, and he decided that someone needed to go with him. Either way, what he did was wrong.

    • I agree. There is always a better option than suicide.

  • I don't get how someone could kill anyone, especially their family. To drive 460 miles to kill someone else and then commit suicide is crazy. Something was obviously wrong with this guy because there is no logical explanation here.

  • Why would someone do this? I don't get it if your that mad and have problems why didn't he just kill himself instead of his whole family and then his self. 

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