Man kills a special ed teacher

There was a  man in Washington who was in love with a special ed teacher he had known since college.  Apparently there was never a relationship between them.  He started stalking her and she got a him arrested for violating a restraining order.  He then shot and killed her in front of the school where she worked shortly before the children began arriving.  I think that this story is sad.

Link: Yahoo

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  • this is such an unfortinate sad story.
  • That is terrible but why did the guy think that he had a relationship with this woman?? if he was arrested then how could he like get out and get a gun.
  • that is sad and horrible. :(
  • why would anyone do that
  • OMG this is so sad. I can not imagine ever arriving at school and seeing my teacher laying there shot. Some people these days
  • What a jerk. That would really suck being one of the kids to see the incident or be near the crime seen at the moment of the murder.
  • Wow that guy should be the one in the special ed classroom, that is just dumb.
  • Wow. Talk about psycho. but sad....
  • oh wow. That is really scary. They should of never gotten out in the first place.
  • ya dude that is really sad and it sad that there are people who stalk people i mean come on thats ridiculos ar however you say it lol
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