Man is in love with

Does anyone watch the show 'My Strange Addiction"? well i was flipping through the channels last night, and the episode that was on was about a man who was in love with his car! That is absolutely insane! At first I thought it was a joke, but this guy looks pretty serious..

Its not even that nice of a car...

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my strange addiction nathanial


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  • I am sure it is possiable that people are in love with cars but i don't understand why they would. There are many different things people substitute into thier lives for love instead of women/men and it is usualy because people have problems with relationships.

  • personally i think this is pretty creepy. im not sure what his social life is, but im not sure if it exceeds his living room... or car seet i guess.

  • THis guy needs help. this really isn't a normal thing to do (obviously.) Why would you have an attraction to your car. especially an avrage one like his.

  • I have seen this show a few times but this is definitaly the craziest one. I get that some people 'love' their car but being in love with it..? CRAZY! I think he might need some help because this can't be healthy..

  • I love that show! I could understand if he really liked his car, but to be in love with it is just outrageous.

  • This is so weird, I watched this show once and there were a lot of really weird addictions just like this one. I just can't believe that one person could have such strong feelings for a car. I mean I like cars, but I wouldn't ever be in love with one.

  • thats crazy!!! like i mean i love my car, not that far, but i guess its what ever he loves
  • I can believe it I mean I'm in love with my guns!

  • That's a very strange addiction that's for sure. It's a little disturbing that he really loves his car. Not like a normanl person would love a car but a very very strong emotional attachment... It's crazy. I just wonder what would happen to him if say he were to get in an accident. I don't think he'd be someone that'd take that well at all.

  • I have heard of this show but have never seen it. This guy must be looney or something. I know a couple of people in love with their car but not this much.

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