A couples car was on top of a car garage. Then some how got loose and climbed down on a latter. There was a man in the house but he was not hurt. The wife said there was something wrong with the car when they were drive home. The airbags came and could see nothing. The car blew through the neighbors yard. The car airborne ending up on a roof. A large crane came and lifted the car off the roof. The man said this was the second time he crashed trying to drive to his house. The man has to take a test to see if he can still drive safely.
I think that he should not have to take a test if this was the cars fault. I hope he passes and gets a new car even though that car is pretty new. I didn't think that the wind was that strong to just take a car and have it land on a roof. I am so glad that the lady wasn't anywhere near were the car landed. So she was still ok.
I feel like there had to be some pretty serious signs before this that they should have gotten taken care of. If it isn't the car, this man is just in denial that he is a bad driver.
This is very weird that this happened they should check the car and see if anything happened to it.
I think that it would be scary. I hope this never happens to me. I don't think he should have to take a driving test. I think he needs a new car.
That is really weird! It's a good thing the man is having a test to see if he can actually drive.
Im not for sure how that happens! I think he should have to take the test! Im not sure how this happens!
The way this was explained makes no sense. I really don't understand most of this. I'm super confused and only know there is a car on the roof.
Yep he should be tested. The car needs to be fixed or a new one should be bought. Glad everyone is okay though.
Thats crazy. I dont think its the peoples fault if they are telling the truth.. I cant believe the airbags would just come on thats scary..
I don't understand how a car could just lift off onto a roof like that. Must of hit a ramp just right.
Good thing everyone is alright. It is crfazy how a car could mal function like that though. I would be freaked out if i lived in that house and had a car land on my roof. They should feel grateful everything is alright.