Man Gets $3.3M for $100 Check

A Florida walks into a bank wearing a Miami Heat hat and asks to cash a $100 check. The teller immediately pushes the silent alarm because there has a been a robber going around to banks recently who wore a Heat hat. The cops showed up, arrested him, he was quickly found innocent to not be the same man, and was awarded 3.3 million in damages.

Now you tell me, is this guy the luckiest guy ever or is he a victim?

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  • I think he's the luckiest guy ever :) If there was someone walking around that had the same outfit as me, i would hope to be arrested and paid too. Just kidding....but I don't really think he minded it at all, seeing how the cops didn't officially arrest him and he got paid 3.3 million dollars for it.

  • I would say that he is definately the luckiest person ever! im gonna start wearing a heat hat when i go into a bank to cash my checks. maybe i will turn into a millionaitre!

  • I would love to be him. Lucky.

  • I think that he is a lucky victim. Even though he was injured, he still got paid that much money. I wish I was him.

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