A man lost his iPad on a flight and was pretty upset until he realized what was happening on his iCloud. Pictures the thief was taking showed up on the man's phone. Although he would like his iPad back, he is really enjoying this. He has posted the pictures to Facebook and has began to discover information about the thief. Hopefully some day he will get his iPad back.

Read the full story here.

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  • I hope that the man gets his iPad back. I do think that it would probably be fun to see all of the pictures that the man had took of what he was doing just to see what a thief does with other peoples stuff. If it was me and i found the iPad i would definitely turn it in though.

  • That. Is. Awesome. Taking a negative, and making it positive. I hope he gets his iPad back.

  • wow! what a smart man to think of this! i think it's clever how he can watch what he's doing to try to get it back! and also, it's kind of embarrassing for the other guy, too. it serves him right

  • That is hilarious. I think I would eventually try and get my IPad back.

  • This thief is very stupid, they will discover him so easily because he is posting pictures on facebook.

  • Wow he definitely knows how to make the best of things! I would be so upset and would want to get it back as soon as possible even if the pictures were funny!

  • This is pretty funny! It would suck to get your ipad stolen but the person who stole it is pretty dumb because they clearly don't know about iCloud. I bet a lot of people are getting a kick out of it.

  • Thats funny maybe it will teach the thief a lesson but that also means that you can be tracked really easy. It shows what a great thing but also what a bad thing technology can be.

  • The thief must be really stupid to not make a new apple account or something! I mean, he also stole an ipad, but still!

  • That would be pretty entertaining! It's good that he can get something good out of this situation. I would probably wait a while to see what else the thief reveals about himself so I could get it back.

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