
  • That is disgusting. I could never do this; I would be afraid of getting stung. I also don't think being covered by 331,000 bees would be worth it to break a world record.

  • Ewww. Who would do that? I mean I am not that scared of bees but still I would never cover myself in that many just to break a world record because if he gets stung by that many bees he most likely would die.

  • I do not like a bees even on a flower. I am a little scared of them and dont want to get stung. That is insane.

  • How do you fit that many bees on your body? And the actually record is like twice that?? Oh my gosh. I'm allergic to bees so there's no way I would do this... Ew.

  • This is crazy that a person would choose do let himself be covered by that many bees. I would never do that because first of all I wouldn't want to be stung by them, and I don't think it would be worth it just to have your name go in some book for a stupid record.

  • That is so nasty! I could never do this, I'm so afraid of bees!

  • That would be so scary and I could never do it. That is way too many bees. I would be scared that the bees would sting me!

  • YIKES! I would be SOOO scared to do that and probably wouldn't..even for a world record! I'm surprised that the girl helping (in the pics) was wearing flipflops though.. you'd think she would be all covered in fear of being stung!

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