In Florida, a man was playing a game of golf at the Lake Ashton Golf and Counry Club. Albert Miller is 75 and is still home recovering after a 9 foot alligator tried to EAT him. Miller was drug into the water up to his waist. His friend ran over and began a tug of war game with an alligator. Miller was rushed to the hospital and required 40 stitches. Experts think this happend becaue people had intentionally been feeding the gator.


below is an actual picture of the gator.


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  • Wow! Feel bad for the guy. You wouldn't think of looking out for alligator while gulfing but then again they are in florida they are comin there. I dont think that would be a good idea feeding and keeping an alligator in a public area. I bet Albert doesn't go gulfing there again.

  • That is so crazy!  I'm sure in Florida they're used to them but still what a freak accident! I'm sure he'll keep an eye peeled next time he golfs!

  • Very scary, poor old man. This is just another display of how Florida's alligator population is a real problem.

  • That is insane! If i ever saw an alligator that close, I would probably break multiple world records running away.

  • Poor Man. That would be scarey having an alligator trying to eat you. I am sure he didn't know what to do.

  • holy cow! That is crazy scary. If that was me I would be like freaking out!

  • Shouldn't the country club have been a little more careful about monitoring the animals nearby? And why would you want to feed a dangerous animal like an alligator when something like this could happen?

  • That kind of reminds me of Happy Gilmore. That would be really scary for the guy being dragged by it. I'm glad he's okay though. He's lucky. That's why you don't mess with alligators.

  • well thats them florida gators for ya, it doesnt suprise me one little bit because peope find them in their backyards all the time.. they are like deer in iowa only worse.

  • That is just terrible! I couldnt imagine the pain that the man was going through while being dragged and pulled on by this alligator. I bet so many emotions were going through his mind, wondering if he was going to die. Poor old man. Hopefully he recovers all the way soon! They should kill or put this alligator in a zoo or something.

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