This guy has been arrested 40 times in Sarasota County. And he's still only 32 years old! His rapsheet includes charges of fraud, criminal mischief, grand theft, petty larceny, robbery, loitering, stealing credit cards...the list goes on! What do you think of this guy?
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He doesn't learn from his mistakes apparently, or else he would have stopped after one.
What the heck?! Maybe he should be kept in jail for a long time if he is always committing crimes because obviously he isn't going to stop.
Wow he's been arrested 40 times, they should just keep him in prison. Obviously he will just end up back in prison or commit a worst crime, because he just doesn't care.
He is probably doing all these illegal things so he doesn't have to pay his bills and basically gets everything for free
He should probably be in prison if he really has been arrested 40 times no matter what age he is. I can't believe that he is still out their and not in prison. He must have some kind of disease or something because an ordinary person would have learnt after the first time or not have done it at all.
this guy obviously needs some help!! that is absolutely insane! you would think that if you went to jail a couple times with in a certain amount of time that you would go and get some HELP! he is only 32 years old, thats pretty young..
oh my goodness, he must have had a rough childhood. Shouldn't he be permanently in jail if he has all of those charges.
He just sucks at being a criminal for getting arrested that many times.. if he is gonna live that live he needs to do a better job of not getting caught. Yeah he seems like someone you should stay away from.
I think that he doesnt have anything else better to do. Think how many crimes he has comited most people dont get caught everytime so he probably has done it several times more than he has been caught.
That is ridiculous! 40 times! How is he not in prison yet? That's nuts. I think he should seriously get some help..