On Saturday 10-15 gunman went into a mall in Kenya and started shooting at people. 68 people died with 175 injuries and 30 prisoners. The gunman were part of Al-Shabaab, which is al Qaeda's proxy in Somalia, "all Muslims" were escorted out of the building before the shooting. Security took control of most of the building and most or all hostages were evacuated.
This was the biggest terrorist in Kenya since al Qaeda's attack on the U.S embassy there which killed 213. Ever since Kenya has attacked Al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2011 the group has thrown grenades at churches in Kenya.
I think that it's like a little war going back and forth. Both putting attacks on each other every once in awhile. I hope the U.S does not get involved in this just like they do with everything else. It's a very sad thing that all those innocent people died in the gun fire.
Do you think terrorist groups like this should be stopped?
Yes, definitely terrorists like this should be stopped! taking the life of an innocent person in unacceptable.
Yes! Terrorists groups like this are very wrong. They kill because of religion. That doesn't seem very religious to me. But if these groups are going to commit such crimes i think they should be punished very harshly. Like maybe even a nice gift from the U.S.A. A gift like a nice bombing run.
I heard that 3 floors of the mall collapsed and more people might have died. They were only trying to kill non Muslim American tourists. I saw on the news he let a British family go after telling them to convert to Muslim. It's terrible that it took 3 days for authorities 3 days to get control of the mall, but it was a hostage situation, so I guess it was probably protocol to see what the terrorists wanted. It said on the news they just wanted media attention.
I did see the big hole on the news, it must have been a bomb or explosive of some kind? Some families from the United States were there and I saw them talk about it on the news also. It's a terrible thing that all those people died for no particular reason.
I would hate to live in that part of the world where there are all sorts of bad things going on, and not that much being done to help it. I hope that the US doesn't get involved because then we will just have more enemies.
Yeah I bet the people there are just living in fear everyday. I would be really cautious of where I go and to stay on the good side of town. I agree that we shouldn't get involved, we need to make every country our ally so we don't have to get involved into any other wars or conflicts.
Yes I do think terrorists groups should be stopped because terrorist can't thin, of nothing better to do than go and shoot and hurt people.
They did this because of what religion they believe in. I agree that they should be stopped though.
This is so sad! How could people kill 68 lives! And injure 175 people. How could someone even be a apart of a terrorist group. There is another solution instead of killing innocent people. This group should definitely stop! Not only for now but for future too. If this keeps getting bigger and worse, we could possibly go into war because of this.
That is a possibility, we could go into war if this keeps happening and it gets worse. It's best if we stay out of it for now. We have too many things going on as it is and we are in some serious debt.