Malfunctioning Drone Hits U.S. Navy Ship

The USS Chancellorsville was testing its weapons system and they were using the drone to test its radar, when the drone malfunctioned and hit the side of the ship, causing a small fire and injuring two sailors. They aren't sure yet why the drone malfunctioned. I think they are lucky that this didn't turn out worse, it easily could have killed someone. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the U.S. is relying too much on drones these days? 


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  • Good job!!

  • I think that the drone is a really good idea, and I would rather have that malfunction than a plane. So I am perfectly fine with the US using drones.

    • That is a good way to look at it, I never thought of that.

  • They are truly lucky no one was killed and only two sailors were injured. They rely a little too much on technology and should be more focused on bettering the actual soldiers and sailors. Some technology is good, but too much is something that could go wrong.

    • Yes, they are very lucky no one was killed, I agree they should focus on soldiers and sailors a little more than technology.

  • I think the U.S. should rely more on drones... Because if a drone is shot down or damaged there is no risk of pilot injury as the pilot is usually thousands of miles away on a computer or something... 

    • I agree with you, even though sometimes they can be a risk with malfunctions, but they do help save lives.

  • We need to use our drones to help us with spying on our enemies. They are very helpful objects when it comes to spying and killing. They can shoot bombs at an enemy from high in the sky where no radar/person can see it. There will always be accidents when they are testing objects like these. It's a good thing that nobody died because of this.

    • That is true, the drones also make it so people in the military don't have to do very riskful missions.

  • I think they should just find a better place to test these type of things, so they can ensure nothing and no one is hurt. Maybe if they had a specific building set for testing things and could watch the machine in action from behind a secured and safe area. I think the U.S. is just not using them wisely, and should probably come up with a new system/machine. You never know what technology will do or how it will react!

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