The Knotts Berry Farm Wind Seeker stopped working around 4 p.m. when the ride's "safety security system activated," causing it to come to a halt, park officials said. Twenty riders were stranded about 300 feet in the air near the top of the ride. By the time is was 7:30 the ride had been lowered about halfway to the ground manually. Finally 3 hours later the group of riders were able to walk off the ride. There were no injuries reported said the officials. I Personally think this would be frightening being that high off the ground for that amount of time. What do you think?Read more about it here

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  • That would be horrid. I would be so freaked out, i would probley passout from getting so worked up. Just shows anything can happen, so live life to the fullest. Thank goodness no one got hurt. I think i would be scard for life and would not be able to ride rides anymore. I feel bad for those risers. Three hours in the air, just waiting not knowing what is going to happen next!

  • i hate roller coasters personally, so this would really freak me out. Also, if i was 300 feet in the air, it wouldn't be good. Its not that I'm scared of all heights just extreme heights like being 300 feet in the air. I feel so sorry for these people and I'm glad there weren't any injuries.

  • I saw this on the news! All I could think of was, what if you had to go to the bathroom? I would definitely be scared and mad. I am very happy that no one was hurt.

  • OMG! That would be so frightening! Imagine if you had to go to the bathroom or were afraid of heights and finally got enough corage to go on the ride! Yikes I would hate that!

  • You can always think that this could have been a lot worse than what it was. If I was on the ride when it stopped I would probably get my ipod out and play games to pass the time.

  • I think that being up there wouldn't be too bad for a few minutes, but if minutes turned to hours, I would be a little scared. When I got down from there, I would not want to go back on a ride like that for a long time.

  • At first i think it would be kinda scary. But then after a while I would just sit back and relax and look out. You would have a really good spot to see everything. But then it would get boring after a while too.

  • That would be scarey. but atleast the ride didn't stop when the people who were riding it were unside down.

  • Oh my gosh! If I was on this ride for more than three hours I would be afraid of heights for the rest of my life! I would eventually get so bored probably that I would try to sleep or do something that would help me take my mind off of being stuck... I did once get stuck on a rollercoaster at Adventureland and it wasn't that scary. But I was not that high up in the air. Hopefully there wasn't very many little kids on that ride because they are probably scarred for life!!

  • I would be scared to death to be suspended in the air for 3 hours. You would think that after the second time, they would realize that something was wrong. Luckily for them, they got down and no one was hurt. I am not a huge fan of amusement parks, some rides, I will go on...but others I choose not to.  

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