Making Room

Have you ever flown on a plane and had to stand in line, waiting for people to move so you can reach your seat? What do you think about sliding seats? The article below has an idea where the aisle seat will move on top of the middle seat until the everyone has boarded. They hope that it will speed up the process. What do you think? Personally I believe that this is a good idea, because you won't have as many delayed planes, unless it is a technical difficulty! Do you agree or disagree?

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  • I think it is a neat idea, and that it is something to think about and all, but patience is a vertue. Especially in life. It's not like the plane is going to just go, they will wait till everyone is seated, so i think that the passengers should to. I think it is very creative thoug. How much money would it cost to do something like this though? Especially when it would only take like 20 mintutes or so to wait.

  • That is really cool  that the seats will move so that they can have more room and, if it does it on both sides the aisle will be really big for people to get through. It will also keep the plane easier to get through but what if somebody is sitting do you push a button and it goes back or do you have to wait for the pilot to move it back.

  • never flown and a plane but i wish i have. sounds like a good idea, but costly

  • I think that it would just be a wast of money to do that on planes i have never herd of a plane being delayed because passengers couldnt get to there seat.

  • This is a really good idea! It sounds like it would work good so why not try it.

  • I think its a lot of work and money just for some impatient people, and what are the people that sit in the aisle seats supposed to do while everyone is boarding? I dont like waiting.. but people dont need to go to that much trouble to save a few minutes.

  • I think that people should just deal with the way things are and be patient rather than investing millions in a new technology that will only save them about ten minutes of time max.

  • I've only been on a plane once but when i was it took FOREVER to get to my seat, partially because i couldn't find my seat because someone was sitting in it but mostly because there it no room. They look very interesting and by far extremly efficient but they look a bit uncomfortable, I'm sure they will come up with lots of designs involving this idea. I can't wait to see it!

  • I think that the way our planes and everything works today is just fine i mean ya it may take less but i feel our country is getting more impatient and lazy. we need to just be patient and wait for those who may not be to up to speed. on the other hand some people need to respect the pace of others and not hold up the long lines.

    1. I dont really fly that much so this dosen't effact me but i agree with Jamie, I think it is a waste of time and money, Who cares if you have to stand in line for 5 mintues.  
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