Magic or Science???????

Now I think we can all agree that there are some really weird things that happen in the world.  Scientist come up with some answers, but there are some things that they cannot explain, so you decide is it Magic or Science?????


St. Elmo's Fire is a phenomenon first reported on sailing ship in the middle of the sea as a glowing corona of what looks like flame that doesn't burn appearing on the mast of the ships.  Many sailors have seen this as a sign from the patron saint of sailors, St. Elmo, as protection for their ship from the dangers of the seas.  Magic or Science?????


This one is actually Science, it is caused by the ionization of air molecules that are set of by an electic charge around the area affected. so what you are seeing is not actually a real flame but a ball of elctronically charged plasma.


The Bermuda Triangle is an area over a triangular portion of the ocean near the bahammas where there have been many strange occurences.  Ships captains have reported that their instrument went off line or that their navigational instruments went off line.  There were also planes that were affect including flight 19, an airforce flight of 5 navy bombers that were on a training mission that never reappeared and was lost at sea.  Magic or Science???

The lines of Nazca Peru from the air look like any other maze does from the air, a giant picture, but these are no modern mazes, these where made in 200 B.C. by peruvian natives.  There are over 900 of the geoglyphs, each a perfect representation of an animal or a symbol.  But how did these ancient people draw these mile wide figures perfectly without seeing them from the air, and more importantly why are they there?  Magic or Science????

Stonehenge is a group of standing stone in the middle of Salsbury Plain in the British Isles.  But who built it and why??  Studies have proven that these stones where there before the Druids and may even be as old as 11,000 years old.  The real question is this how did an ancient people, transport and then erect a ring of 25 ton stones from wales and other sites from around the British Isles?? Why did these people drag these huge stones across a forested and boggy land to build stonehenge, tear it down, and then rebuild it?? Magic or Science???

The will-o-wisp is a strange floating light that appears in the distance on paths in the dark of night.  The will-o-wisp is said to put people in some kind of a trance, luring them off the path they are traveling and into their deaths in rivers, lakes, or bogs.  Magic or Science???

Hellhounds are enormous black dogs that are said to appear in times of great terror or strife.  It is said that if you see them three times you will fall down dead.  They are corporeal creatures with glowing red eyes and with fiery qualities.  There have been reports from all around Europe of these giant black dogs that prowl the country on dark nights, searching for unwary travelers.  Magic or Science???


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  • Mysteries of the world. I always found them fascinating. I've actually heard of hellhounds before.. how would we ever prove they are real anyhow? People usually have theories on why these strange things exist.. but what if they aren't right?
  • I don't really believe in magic. But paranormal, that's my area.
  • they tried to figure out the bermuda triangle on discovery the radars gets messed up by gas bubbles under the ground underwater or something.
  • some of this stuff gets really crazy. but i doubt we'll figure out the answers to all these crazy things
  • wanna see a real magic trick? I'm gonna make this pencil DISAPPEAR
  • I love things like this cause it makes you wonder, but I can usually think of at least one way science proves it.
    • see thats my problem, in my opinion science sucks all the fun out of the whole magic issue, so I prefer to not think about that stuff.
  • Maybe its all aliens. lol I've never even heard about some of these things but I think they're all really interesting. I've always liked this kind of stuff.
  • Here is a picture of St. Elmo's fire. I was aware of the movie but not so much of this phenomonon.


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