Macaroni Turns Less Yellow

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese has heard many stories of from parents wanting their macaroni and cheese to have the same great taste always but to have better nutrition for their kids. Kraft will remove some of the dyes. 

Also, Kraft is going to add six more grams of whole grain and make the macaroni less in sodium and saturated fat. IN the Spongebob Squarepants and the Halloween and winter boxes they are going to remove Yellow Number 5 and 6. They will be free of food coloring.

What do you guys think about this? Do you think it is going to make a change in the taste of macaroni?

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  • I think this is dumb. If parents wanted better nutrition for their kids, then they should feed them better food. People just seem to complain about the dumbest stuff these days. I think it will definitely change the taste of macaroni and kids wont want to eat it if it looks different either.

  • I think it is good to make them a bit healthier. It shouldn't affect the taste too much because I have had food's without artificial dies and they don't taste any different than if they did. 

  • I think it will change the taste a little bit but not much. But whole grain noodles are gross and i think the parents just need to watch how much of it they eat and how often they eat it.

  • I dont think that the taste will be affected because it is just die, and not main ingredients. I also think that it is good that they are adding whole grain to help the overall nutrition.

  • I don't think this will help very much or change the taste. It seems kind of like Kraft is trying to look good while saving money. The main reason that the dye is there is to make the food more appealing, so if they can get rid of the dye and make it seem like their undyed macaroni is healthier, they'll make more profit.

    • Food dyes are not very expensive. The amount of profit difference would be so small per box it would hardly be noticeable. 

  • I eat an awful large amount of mac and cheese and I don't think it is right to change it because the only reason they are doing it is to get with obamas healthy side.

  • I think it will change the taste of mac and cheese and it not so much its bad for them maybe they shouldn't feed their kids so much mac and cheese if they think its so bad. 

  • I like it when I can tell my macaroni is extra cheesy so I might not eat it anymore if it looks like that.

  • I think that is stupid. My family loves the taste and to me the more yellow, the better taste.

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