There has been a lot of debate on whether they should lower the voting age or not. They say there are a lot of pros and cons to it, but I feel there are more pros than cons. 


Some pros of lowering the voting age are that it will help with voter turnout, and it could also help with lifelong voting habits. A lot of people feel 16-year-olds should vote because there getting to the age of understanding of what’s going on in the world and, they should have a voice in what goes on whether it's in-state or local elections.


Some cons would be that the 16-year-olds may not be mature enough to vote. Another reason people think it is bad is that research shows that 18-29-year-olds have low voter turnout; therefore, it would be pointless to lower the voting age. Finally, the main reason people do not want 16-year-old to vote in elections is that they feel parents persuade their kids to vote a certain way, and they specifically persuade them to vote in the way their parent’s political beliefs are.


I feel that they should lower the voting age because I feel the younger generations have major opinions on politics, and I feel we should have the right to vote in order to shape the future of America.


Should they lower the voting age? Why or Why not?

Would you vote if you had the chance to? 



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  • Good topic choice and well done overall Dana! I do think your summary is a bit brief but what you have is well written. Good job!

  • Yes I think that they should lower the voting age cause it affects younger generations also, when we start working at 16.  Yes I would go out and vote for who I belive would lead us in a better direction. Some younger people might have a problum with that and if they do then they shouldnt register to vote!

  • I think they should not change the voting to 16 I think that would not be good. Kids are not that mature when they are 16 and I just think 18 is good age for people to be voting. 18 is when people become adults and I think that is the right time to be able to vote.

  • I think that the voting age should not be lowered. The voting age should stay the same because not all 16 year olds know alot about politics. If I had the chance to vote I don't think I would because I don't know much about politics.

  • I definetly think that they should not lower the voting age because I think that their are some people that are not mature enoughf to make good voting choices. If I had the chance to vote I would definetly vote because I think that it should be something everybody does.

  • I do not believe that the voting age should be lowered because there is a lot of 16 year olds that do not know anything about politics. If they were to change the legal voting age I would definetly vote because I feel like I know enough in politics to make the correct choice.

  • I think the voting age shouldn't be changed to age 16. I believe that 18 is the best age for voting as that's when a person becomes an adult. If I had the chance to vote I would definitely vote instead of waste my right. I believe suffrage is very important and should be used. 

  • I do not think the voting age should be lowered because many kids will not vote for the person they want they will vote for who there parents want. I think its to young to vote being 18 your an adult but sixteen you just got drivers license and are just learning about politics and they don't have enough time to actually understand it all. 

  • I think that they should leave the voting age right where it is at. I do not think that most 16 year olds know enough about politics to cast a vote. If I were givin the chance to vote I think I would because I believe if you actually have a reason to vote for someone you shoud. 

  • I wouldn't vote if they lowered the age because I don't know enough about politics to cast an honest and legit vote and I think that many others around my age aren't really qualified to cast an honest vote either because politics don't really affect teens daily lives. 

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