Just by looking at the title of this article I was thinking, "man this would suck!"
A man, Urooj Khan, died the day after winning the million dollar lottery ticket. Cause of death? A hefty dose of cyanide. Cyanide is an extremely toxin poison. I would recommend not to eat that! You would think that someone did this to him right? Well from the article, it said it was a homicide investigation. Read the article below to find out more!
What are your thoughts and opinion?
He went from really lucky to unlucky really fast. It would stink to win the lottery and die soon after that. The entire case is really weird though because you don't know who did it.
This would SUCK!!! But at least the family is left with a good fortune! This man must have felt very bad or something that he took poison! If the family was poor they are now rich and can pay for all the bills and pay for his funeral.
My best guess is that it was a homicide to get money but i don't understand why you would kill because of the money was going to you anyway my guess is if you truly needed it you could have asked them for it and gotten it.
I think it would be insane to kill yourself right after you become a millionare. I pretty sure it was a amazingly planned murder. Who would want to kill themselves right after they get a lot of green on them. Urooj Khan rest in peace.
This is so very unfortunate. If someone were to kill him he would probably be someone in the will so they could collect the assets. However, maybe someone was jealous of him.
That would be awful! Jeez, I can't imagine.... I'm sure all lottery winners have to be careful though. Money makes people go crazy and that is a LOT of money! I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was a homicide. I would be shocked, however, if he did this to himself. You would really have to feel guilty about the money or hate yourself to do that.
I don't think that this was a coincidence that he randomly died. There are some really mean people out there that would probably try and kill someone because they won the lottery. Whenever you win the lottery you have a greater chance of everyone coming after you. Why after you win the lottery would you have a dose of cyanide? That just doesnt add up.
Yeah I would think that someone wanted the money he won just so they wouldn't have to pay for the ticket. today society is so stupid.
If it was a homicide, I would bet on the person who is getting his inheritance. No one just dies of cyanide poisoning by accident. It is too much of a coincidence.
It could've been a homicide, or just some sort of freak accident... We really don't know. I read online that people are exposed to cyanide when they smoke. It could've been that this guy was a smoker and the cyanide just happened to catch up with him along with some seriously bad timing.