A middle school ASSISTANT coach attack the coach of rival school. Forbes was pulled off the coach by some bystanders and ran out of the gym before the police showed up. The coach was rushed to the hospital to get his ear put back on.
I personally think that would hurt. What would you say or do if someone did that to you or a friend of yours?
This is taking it wayyy too serious. it's a stupid game! This guy should get a therapist or something geeze.
uhm that is just plain weirdd.. some people are bad losers.
haha, who does he think he is, mike tyson lol, talk about a sore loser
okay, thats messed up. why would you bite his ear off?? who are you mike tyson? it is a middle school assistant coach! how stupid could you be..
Wow, its a 6th grade basketball game. Good thing he isnt a high school coach.
Yikes! What a person for the team to look up to! I think the guy should get in big trouble, maybe even lose his job for that..there's no excuse!
wow! that is one sore loser! and all because of a lost game!? ha.. he needs anger management and some serious therapy! why would someone do that? i seriously doubt it tasted good, so my guess is that some deep, deep grudge kept nagging at this guy... but hey, whatever floats his boat... i hope hes ready to face the consequences!
thats crazy and it would hurt,. someones a bad loser.
Thats terrible. And somebody has anger issues. He didn't need to bite off his ear just because they lost.