
  • that is a different name for a person
  • He aint no Jesus
  • That is crazy!! haha, but its kind of really funny, so like his first name is lord, his middle name is jesus and his last name is christ?? that is awesome..
  • Thats actually really weird, honestly, why would you change your name to that. Its weird and im sure people look at you weird when they ask you your name and you say Lord Jesus Christ. ha
  • that is crazy i didnt think that anyone could do that either.
  • hahahahaha cool
  • why would you use the lords name like that... shouldnt be legal
  • I wouldn't think that would be legal to change it to THAT....
  • Why would anyone name their kid Lord Jesus Christ?
  • That's really weird that he would want to legally change his name to that. Maybe he's just a really religious man. But I'm glad that he was okay. He really should be more careful.
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