Long Island House Fire

In New York, in the front of Jennifer Mccusker and her three children's long island home was a fire. It was 10 pm when this horrible fire started. Luckily to the neighbors who spotted the flames reported to the police department right away. While the police were on there way, one of the neighbors attempted to enter the home, but they were unable to because of the smoke and heat. The mother, Jennifer Mccusker, was able to remove one of her twins from the crib. Unfortunately, when Jennifer was trying to remove the other twin, she went unconscious due to the such a heavy amount of smoke and heat in just one room. The oldest child was found in another bedroom. When the police arrived the mother and the three children were not in the best shape. So, immediately Jennifer Mccusker and her three children were transported to Memorial Hospital where they were pronounced dead. The police don't no what the cause of this fire was nor did they notice anything suspicious about the fire.

-What are your thoughts on this story?

-What do you think caused the fire?






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  • Good job but perhaps a better question to ask the audience would be "Would you be willing to go into a place on fire to save someone? Friends/family?"

  • Yeah, the article really didn't say anything about a fire detector which is strange. I guess if I was the only one that lived out of that fire, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I wouldn't know what I would do.

  • This is a sad story. It's a good thing she took her life for her kids. My guess on what caused the fire was maybe a candle. They could have fell asleep after they lit the candle. It is hard to say how it started.

    • I know. At least she made an effort to try and save her kids. She put their lives first. At least they are living it together now all together as a family.

  • This is a sad story but at least the mother tried but it is sad that they all died. ALso how could the mom not know right away when it started. I would have no clue what would have started the fire maybe someone lit it on fire or the mom was doing something and she didn't know it went on fire. But who knows.

    • Yeah, the fire department did not know what exactly started which is weird because usually they find that kind of stuff out as soon as they know. And it has been at least a week. Maybe they won't find out anything.

  • That's just bad, she didn't live but she tried to be heroic. she will be remembered for those deeds.

    • Yes, I definitely agree with your statement. She will be remembered!

  • Aw this is so sad. It isnt right for innocent people to die such horrible deaths. This sounds like a freak accident. I hope nobody purposely started the fire. But if someone did, I hope they are charged.

    • I know, I don't think the fire was started on purposely. Maybe. The police in New York are diving deeper into what caused it. I also agree with you that these people did not deserve to die! Especially the twins, they didn't even get to experience life. Nobody deserved to die.  

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