Edward Lee was locked up in jail for 30 years before his freedom. He says that the crime he was trialed was something he did not commit to or do. But in the 1970's case he was the only prospect in the case and got sent to jail even though he knew he didn't do it. It took 30 years of trials and jail before he was released.
My opinion is that how would he be guilty in the 1970's for something he did not do, then after 30 years get pleaded innocent? I don't get it.
What do you think about this story? Should the government do something about this case?
Good job replying but again, your question is a yes or no questions and just ask for overall thoughts.
I think that this is a weird especially because it wasn't his fault
I agree. He just wasted half his life in jail
I personally would sue the government for false testimony and get hundreds of millions of dollars because of it. 30 years of an innocent mans life just went down the drain, and theirs nothing he can do about it. I don't see how the government can let that go with just a simple "oops," and right then and there the topic drops all together.
I agree with you ben. You made good points about this. He should get a lot of money for this.
i think he should sue the us and got money for a crime he did not do
I agree. If it took 30 years for him to get innocent, he just wasted half his life so he should do something about this.
That is awful. If I was this man I would take huge actions against the government and the people who put me in prison.
I agree. He should to something about this and maybe get some money.
He should sue the government and get paid a lot of money. The man should have never been in jail that long or even at all. What was the case even about?