
  • true dat. enough of microsoft and their ways
  • hahahahah o man another reason why i have a ps3 xbox is fort ''gay'' and whoever would take the time to look that up has no life
    • thanks chris. it was on as a big article.
  • this is dumb why would someone be banned for saying gay wow its a town and the word isnt offensive
  • I really think if someone tells you to Google it and gives you a zip code, you better do it, or look like even MORE of an idiot.
    • yes, because playstaion network isnt ignorant either. ahah
  • who names a town that? I mean, fort happy, fort where ever we are, i mean anything is better than fort gay! I don't have anything against gays but... i still.
  • i think that that is really dumb, that the peoples wouldnt have done some research to find out if there really is a town called fort gay.
  • I changed your title. Also, be sure to add your thoughts into your threads as well.
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