The foolish man reportedly smiled at her and she thought, "I don't want him to think I'm a helpless little girl." With simple pride, she kicked him where it. hurts. most. HARD.
The burglar groaned then ran out their side-gate. My new favorite 12-year-old and probably yours, watched him as he left to make sure he didn't go into someone else's house.
Whereupon, she called the police and drew a sketch of the man while it was still fresh in her mind.
When her mother came home, Georgia was calmly making supper, and simply said, "Mum, something a bit odd has happened."
I personally think the kid deserves a great deal of applause. She made my day.
"Mum, something a bit odd has happened."
Who talks like that? Where was this? Brittain????
anyways, thats awesome.