Little Girl ain't helpless

Georgia Bullis-Grey, a 12-year-old girl, was home alone due to her single mother working when a burglar breaks into their home.

The foolish man reportedly smiled at her and she thought, "I don't want him to think I'm a helpless little girl." With simple pride, she kicked him where it. hurts. most. HARD. 

The burglar groaned then ran out their side-gate. My new favorite 12-year-old and probably yours, watched him as he left to make sure he didn't go into someone else's house.

Whereupon, she called the police and drew a sketch of the man while it was still fresh in her mind. 

When her mother came home, Georgia was calmly making supper, and simply said, "Mum, something a bit odd has happened."

I personally think the kid deserves a great deal of applause. She made my day.

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  • this is very funny but yet weird. If i was this i would feel embarrased that a 12 year old girl got me out of the house herself and was calmly cookin supper when her mom arrived. So yeah go Georgia.
  • This is really cute. I love this little girl now. She's my hero!
  • Her name was Georgia?
    "Mum, something a bit odd has happened."
    Who talks like that? Where was this? Brittain????
    anyways, thats awesome.
  • thats really cool, he deserved it lol
  • That is awesome! I don't think I would have been able to do that at all. Such bravery.
  • I agree that little girl just made my day better. She was really really brave to stick up to that robber and show him how is boss in that house.
  • That's pretty awesome! I wish I was that brave when i was 12!
  • even in self-defense it seems wrong to do that to a guy.. i feel bad for him
  • That is so funny that she kicked the burglar in the testies and he ran away.
  • wow thats pretty awsome most kid would run and hide these days that cool that she made sure he didnt go to differnt ppls homes
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