Lion kills lioness

A lion kills a lioness at the Dallas zoo on Sunday afternoon, many witness saw the attack. People told reporters that at first they thought they were playing but the lioness was struggling for 10 to 15 minutes then she quit moving. The zoo keepers couldn't explain what had happened, so of the ones that have worked their for many years had never seen anything like this 

Why do you think the lion did this?

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  • A few more responses would have been better.

  • That's crazy. I would think that they would be mates or something and wouldn't kill one another. It is a mystery of how that happened though. 

  • This is kinda weird because this has never happened before. I think they were still just playing but it got to hard core.

  • I think that their playing might have gotten out of hand, or the other lion might have felt more dominant and killed the other lion. I really have no idea as to why the lion did this to the lioness.

  • that is pretty unfortunate for the lioness. The lion must of got fed up with it, and took matters in to his own hands. I think the only thing that the zookeepers could have done is tranquilized it, but when it woke up it would have probably gone after the lioness again.

  • Lions are wild animals so there is a lot of things that might have happened to make this happen.

  • This is very unfortunate... I don't have a very good explanation and I doubt there was much they could have done to save the Lioness... 

  • I have no idea why the lion did this. This is sad. I hope the lion didn't go rabid. Maybe it was sabotage? I don't know.

  • The lion probably felt in danger for some reason and was trying to protect itself. I think the lions should be monitored more carefully. It would be very hard to tell if they were playing or not because I've seen dogs play with each other and it looks like they are hurting each other when they actually aren't.

  • Yes it is very sad and weird. There has to be a reason why the lion killed her. Rough play or making him mad could be one.

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