Lindsey Lohan is suing E-Trade for commerical.  She thinks the commerical was going towards her.  It also appeared during the Super Bowl.  Read rest of article here


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  • Thats so dumb. She needs to just deal with it and it was most likely not pointed toward anyone it was just trying to make a pun. Celebrities are dumb and think everthing is about them.
  • She is there for the money
  • she thinks she is special. you would think you could find better things to do in your free time.
  • wow get over yourself. And anyway yyou made yourself famous and in a bad way its your fault if they make fun of you.
  • It doesn't seem to have anything to do with her. I don't see how someone could sue for that. I think she probably just wants the money.
  • I heard about this, this morning on the radio i thought it was funny because i dont think anyone likes Lindsey
  • hahah she needs to get over her self wow. I heard that this mornign on 94.1
  • shes just tryin gto gain publicity because her carreer is dying
  • i never saw the i dont really know what she is talking about.
  • I heard about this this morning and I think she is the one who is being the baby here. Just because the baby is named Lindsay doesnt mean that its about her.
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