Earlier this week, Anthony Hollman, a Lincoln resident, was arrested and also facing charges of animal abuse. Police say he hit the one year old dog with a space heater, and never stabbed it.  Hollman says he did it in self-defence,  and was not aware of the dog bleeding. He did not think he had hurt the dog that bad, but feels terrible. He also says the police made the mistake when reporting. “They’re trying to make me the villain, like I attacked the dog. The dog bit me,” said Hollman. Hollman’s girlfriend told police he’d been drinking Saturday night and said the dog bit him. She said Hollman hit the dog with a broomstick, then stabbed the dog repeatedly. Police said they found blood and animal hair on a butcher knife. “It took animal control 20 minutes to coax the dog from under the bed. He was terrified,” said Officer Katie Flood with the Lincoln Police Department.

Hollman’s girlfriend had also told police he has a history of hitting the dog, repeatedly. Hollman claims he only disciplined the dog, and it had tried to attack at least 20 other poeple before. but this time it got very aggressive.


What do you guys think? Does it sound like self defense. or does it sound like he intentially(sp?) hurt the dog? Who's telling the truth??


Here is the link:


Lincoln Man Says He's Victom, Not Villian

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  • it sounds like self defence but if he was drinking then idk.
  • poor dog that man needs to get mauld by a pack of dogs
  • The jerk deserved to be bitten.
  • no its not self defense he stabbed the dog multiple times. why would he need to stab it at all he already hit it multiple times with a broom.
  • That sounds to me like animal abuse. I hate PETA %1000 but I hate hearing about animals bing abused like that. Send him to jail.
    • i agree. whenever i see those animal abuse commercials on tv, its like theyre trying to make you feel guilty about it
      • you should feel bad about them, it's not the animals fault that they get a crappy owner who just abuses and neglects them. i'm not saying i'm for peta or anything but if you don't feel a little bit bad for the animals, yer a psycho. juss sayin.
      • all those dontations go to PETA btw
  • I think that the man was the villian, not the victim. That's just awful! Poor dog, stupid man.
  • The punishment should never outweigh the crime, in really any instance. But there are factors to take into account. Firstly, the man was intoxicated, meaning he was not funtioning on a very rational level. Therefore, though he may have been excessive in his response, that may not have been his intention. Also, people don't seem to think when they're scared. He could have been genuinly scared and overreacted. This is not to say that I condone animal abuse, because i personally believe it to be one of the most heinus acts a person could commit. But, I think it its imperitive that a person look at both sides of the story. Then again, its entirely possible that this supposedly aggressive dog is just another victim of abuse. If thats the case, I believe that man should be placed in a correctional facility for awhile.
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