The popular cross between the lion and the tiger is a reality!

A private zoo in Taiwan has bread, breed?... not the point, a lion and a tiger.

They actually said it was an accident, apparently the lion and the tiger had been in the same cage since they were cubs, 6 years. And previously, nothing had ever happened.

The government took the 2 ligers cubs to a home for wild animals. The owner faces a 1,000 fine for breeding wildlife without permission.

According to Taipei-based Apple Daily, there are only around 10 surviving ligers in the world. And grow to be bigger than average lions.

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  • That is really cool! I'm suprised that they fined him with such a big fine! I thought that they might be kinda excited that it happend? It reminds me a lot of the mix of zebra and horse, and they have those in the zoo for display.
  • thats awesome! napolean dynamite can predict the future.. i think the guy should be rewarded cause thats just cool
  • i, personally, dont think the owner should be punished mainly because ligers are greatness and everytime i think of nepolian dynamite i think of ligers or vice versa.
  • dang an wow how could u nt knw they will eventually mate cuz there animals an apparently they dnt care who it is but a liger is pretty cool
  • The Omaha zoo has some ligers. And i once saw some at a circus...I dont think that the man shouldve been punished, ligers are super cute. Not to mention, i think ligers are my favorite aninmals. :)
  • I agree with Ashlee! I wanna see one too :) ha!
    What movie was it that had "ligers" in it..?
    • Napolean Dynamite wasn't it?... or maybe.. no it was Napolean
  • What do the ligers look like? Do they have stripes but a big mane? I wanna see one!
  • it would be awesome to see one in person
  • I think this is so amazing. i have always wanted to see one. i may have to road trip to taiwan just to see it.
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