Lethal Flu!

Over in China, 22 people have died from a lethal flu called bird flu. This flu also known as the H7N9, has infected 108 people since March! There is no known cause of how pople are getting the flu. More on the subject here.

What do you think? Do you think the flu will travel its way around the world to us?

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  • Wow that is super scary and I feel so bad for all of those who get that lethal flu! I really hope that it doesn't somehow spread to America and I'm praying for China and that the disease doesn't spread to more areas.

  • Yes i heard of this awful flu going around. I would hate to be a bird right now. I hope it doesn't spread around the world because that would be tragic. even though i don't are for birds i wouldnt want to see most of them die because of a flu. SO SAD PRAYERS TO THE BIRDS IN CHINA PRAYERS

  • It is a littel bit scary I hope It wont come here

  • I haven't heard of this flu before.  I don't think it will get all the way to America and if it does, we will all have to get shots to prevent getting it.  Only 22 people have died, which isn't that many.  I hope it doesn't come here because it could be the next H1N1. 

  • i've never heard of that before, but it sounds pretty scary

  • well yikes thats kinda scary i hope it wouldnt come this way

  • I feel like I have heard of this on the news once or twice. People always think they have something they don't maybe people have gotten and lived too but that it was much simpler a flu then lethal

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