Legalizing Marijuana

First, serious comments only.

Legalizing marijuana has really been a hot topic the last couple of years, especially since voters in Colorado and Washington State just made recreational use legal back in November.

Here are two opinion pieces that CNN did, one for and one against the legalization of marijuana.

What are your thoughts on this controversial topic?

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  • This link talks about whether marijuana can kill you or not. This link talks about whether you can get addicted to marijuana or not.
  • This article talks about different studies about Marijuana. They have studied over 65,00 people that have smoked marijuana and that they have not died anymore sooner than nonusers. Also, it says that there is no such thing as a marijuana overdose.

  • This website shows how people don't get addicted to the drug, but they do get addicted to the feeling of the drug (the high). Its shows the negatives of marijuana. It also shows the signs of addiction and how to  know if you are addicted.

  • this link talks a lot about it and what it may do to you.

  • This is an article about the pros and cons and effects of marijuana. Click here to read!

  • This article talks about the possibility of getting addicted to marijuana.

  • "Prohibitionists might mention that THC [delta-9 tetra-hydrocannabinol, the  smile-producing chemical in pot] often appears in the blood of people in auto  accidents. Yet they might omit the fact that most of these people also drank  alcohol. Antiprohibitionists might cite a large study that showed no sign of  memory problems in chronic marijuana smokers. Yet they might not mention that  the tests were so easy that even a demented person could perform them."

    Read more:,9171,1003570,00.html#ix...

  • this article talks about some marijuana facts and how harmful or less harmful it is compared to other drugs and alcohol.

  • This link discusses the percentage rate of addiction to cannabis and it compares it to other legal addictive substances.

  • This article talks about marijuana and it effects.

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