haha well thats probably bad to let a bunch of kids know but why were those kids burning incense in the first place. they must have been high deciding to smoke that anyway.
ok so stop saying weed. . use words such as medical marijuana or cannibas. or mary jane or, ganja, grass, happy dope, dreamy smoke, peace tobacco, wacky weed, wacky bacce', reefer, hash, texas tea, cheese, cheeba, jolly green, or hippie lettuce
Having weed discussions aren't that big of a deal. I bet most of you have talked about it in your everyday conversations. And weed is too pretty much like alcohol. It has almost the same effects. Well, kinda, it just chills ya out. (So I've heard). Anyways, if you don't like reading the weed discussions, don't post your comments. I'd rather read about weed than about how you don't think we shouldn't have anymore discussions about weed. Juss sayin.
Okay, maybe everyone should take a breather and if you really feel strongly about these subjects, just shut up and keep it to yourself. If you support weed, good for you, if you oppose weed, good for you. It's not like our little forum discussion will spark any change in congress or the federal government. We will not sway their opinion either way unless this "discussion" goes up to the higher levels of government or is broadcasted by a bored news station.
k first of all i was never saying how weed is so good and all this stuff. it should prob be legalized because of the economical and medicinal benefits. and no it's not different than alcohol. alcohol like weed is illegal for us right now. so they're both illegal. no different. and in case you haven't noticed this alcohol discussion has started the biggest argument on our forum. so dont say weed starts arguments and alcohol doesn't..
haha. just kidding:)