Last Known WWI Vetern Passes Away

Florence Green, from London, was never on the front line. Instead, she apart of the Women's Royal Air Force and was a waitress. She is the last known surviving veteran of WWI

Florence was 110 years old when she passes away, only two weeks before her 111th birthday.

I think this is amazing how someone can live for this long. Quite the life to live.

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  • That is sad that she passed But it looked like she had lived a long life! What an accomplishment living for so long and through so much events in history!

  • It's very sad for someone to die, but living that long i would have to say she definitely lived a full life. Plus it would be pretty cool in my opinion to be known as the last veteran alive from WWl. Hopefully i can live a full and long life like her. 

  • Awe that is really sad because i guess he was the only really living piece of information to the part of history. I hope that people really take in what all this people have done. I am really surprised that he lived that long, but then again technology is inprooving by the second.

  • That is amazing how she got the chance to live that long! She had to be a very tough and healthy lady to beable to live to 110. She had to have alot of interesting stories to tell!

  • Wow that is pretty amazing. She must have been one tough old lady to live through all of that and to get to almost her 111th birthday

  • Thats cool that she lived so long, if only she lived 2 weeks longer she would have been 111. I hoped she passed on her stories before she died.

  • That's awesome that it's a woman instead of a man. I can't believe she could be 110 years old though. I would never want to live that old. RIP Florence!

  • i think that what she went through is a touching story and can help  alot of the people understand what things were like back then and i sincerely hope that she has lived a happy and full life... RIP and good luck in the after life:)

  • Thats great that she lived to be 110 years old, since many people don't get to live that long. I'm sure she had dozens of interesting stories and it would have been very interesting to listen to them! This is sad that the people who fought in WWI are dead.

  • she must have had a bunch of good stories, personally i would not want to live that long because you just go on watching all your loved ones pass away

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