Lalf or Camb

Jake Collier, 14, is caring for a lamb that looks like a Friesian calf. Jake agreed to nurture one of three Jacob Sheep lambs born on Axe Valley Animal and Bird Sanctuary in Axminister, his home. He had to step in when the mother was clear she could not care for the triplets.

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  • That's a little disturbing, and that is probably because I am not the world's biggest animal lover. It's neat though that the 14 year old will step in and take of the umm animals. I wonder what will happen with them next! Will they be sold for lots of money? Will they be slaughtered for food?

  • Well that's nice

  • These are so cute!!! I would totally buy some and tell people they are calves just to freak them out!! I really wanna know how they actually made them look like this. They would be so awesome to have around here!!

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