Kony 2012

     There was a video that was dropped last week explaining what Joseph Kony was doing overseas in Uganda, mainly. Kony is accusing of stealing young children, forcing them to kill their parents and then turning boys into young soliders and girls into sex slaves. The video asked people to come together and almost "force" the US government to do something. The main message was to make Kony famous and get the word out. 

Not surprising, the video has many critics and people even calling it out to be a hoax. There's no doubt this is happening but there are questions about all of the money going to the organization Invisible Children, but spending some of the money on themselves, the head people in the organization. 

Have you guys watched the video? What are your opinons and did you do the three steps of action after watching? Do you believe it's a hoax like some of the media? 

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  • I haven't seen this video yet, but could we also watch this in US History Mr. Bruns? I've been hearing about this video but haven't had the chance to watch it myself. I haven't seen the video, so I can't give a full opinion in whether this is a hoax or not, but it sounds like it's real, and if it is, it's absolutely horrible.

  • I believe this is true. Something has to be done in order to stop Kony from doing this, especially if he is at the top of the Most Wanted List. It is terrible and cruel what he is doing. He should get punished.

  • Its been all over Facebook and we do need to lash out

  • The videos information is outdated and purposefully misleading, and our goverment can't do a lot to help because the Ugandan goverment isn't very willing

  • I believe this is true. Why would he be on the very top of the list if he did nothing? He is destroying childrens lives and it is cruel. Kony needs to be caught and put in jail for the rest of his life.

  • I personaly think that this is very strange. Something has to be done to resolve this poblem. However, I think that we should not send troups thogh because we need to stop getting involved with other contries problems. I do want them to resolve the problem. We should give advice.

  • if you havent seen the movie blood diamond, then you should watch it! it is a great movie and its story is this right here. taking kids from people and forcing them in the armies in africa. i give it a five out of five stars.

  • i think that the goverment needs to start working on our own problems and stop getting into other countrys problems.

  • I believe it's 100% real. And everybody who is complaining about Invisible Children using the money for personal reasons-NEWSFLASH-EVERY ORGANIZATION HAS TO USE SOME OF THE MONEY FOR SALARIES AND OTHER PERSONAL REASONS. Red Cross, Komen for the Cure, every organization does this. Nobody needs to be worrying about this. But yeah, Kony is real, and we need to do something about it.

  • This guy has been doing this for years, why all of a sudden are we doing something about it now?

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