When 5 year old Cooper Barton got dressed for a normal day of Kindergarten the last thing he wanted to do was get in trouble. Cooper wore a University of Michigan t-shirt to school and was forced to turn it inside out. Why? Believe it or not, Oklahoma City Public Schools dress code states that students can only wear Oklahoma college apparel. What do you think about this?
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This is not right. not right at all. I mean he's five for pete sake. If the kid likes The University of Michigan, let him wear what he want. To have a dress code like that is ridiculous. I honestly do not see why they made such a big deal about it.
I think that is just wrong! It don't matter where you are at, if you wear a shirt that shows your team pride you shouldn't have to hide that.
Now that's a code that I would fight to take off. That is one of the dumbest rules I ever heard. I feel sorry for Cooper to have to be forced to change the shirt. Oklahoma City public school dress codes suck. You can wear what ever you want thats appropriate. If I meet the person who made that code, I would personally grab it ( if its on paper) and stuff it in his/her mouth.
personally i think that they should not be able Nebraska, but thats ridiculous you should be able to wear whatever they want. I mean hes representing his favorite team you cant force a kid like something.
I dont think that is right. thats like going against the freedom of speech. children shouldnt be forced to be embarrased and should support his favorite team.
I think this whole dress code needs to get thrown in to the garbage because people should have the right to wear what they want.
I think its a load of baloney. They should be able to wear what they want to wear has long has it is appropriate. they shouldnt have done that.
i think that it is the dumbest rule ever there for he should be able to whare an team shirt he he wishes to ware if every body liked the same team then are there more than 1 team. in conclusion i am apposed to this rule.
i think that it is the dumbest rule ever there for he should be able to whare an team shirt he he wishes to ware if every body liked the same team then are there more than 1 team. in conclusion i am apposed to this rule.
Its sad that a kindergartener cant wear what he wants. We are a free country and we should be able to wear what we want. Within reason of course. No child should have to do that.