To me this is dumb. The school told 6th grade girl she could return to school when her hair was a "normal" color..blonde, brown, black, ect. But something happened and she was allowed back. I dont think she should have even been kicked out. Your thoughts?

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  • That is dumb. Anyone can have any type of hair day want. I am guessing they are going to fire the next person they see is bad. If i was in her place, i would not even return to that school

  • I think that this is not right because well everyone in the United States of America has the right to freedom of speech and press and all that other stuff, so I don't think that this is right that a girl should get kicked out of school just for having pink hair. 

  • What happened to freedom of expression? people are so judgmental it's not even funny. it's hair color. it can change. get over it.

  • Thats dumb, she should be able to have whatever color hair she wants. She shouldn't have been kick out of school in the first place.

  • i'm pretty sure if the school kicked her out cause of her hair she could sue the school for a lot of money and probably win it

  • That is so stupid, she has the right to do whatever she wants to her hair! Its not hurting anybody

  • Isn't that discrimination? Most schools teach that your supposed to be nice to everyone, and this school kicks a girl out because she has a different color of hair than most others. Talk about messed up.

  • Wow that's outrageous, she is exercizing her freedom of speech! That school is completely unconstitutional.

  • they cant kick you out for pink hair this  Merica

  • This is dumb. People should be able to express themselves with whatever hairstyle, fashion sense, and taste that they want! I don't think this girl should have been kicked out, but obviously other people believe otherwise.

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