
  • thats a shame. the clown really deserved the justice
  • That would be creepy seeing a clown come out of a coffee shop. What would you think if you were the cop?
  • i dont really get that
  • thats so wierd! i think that he shouldnt have been arrested it was only a balloon blower up thing
  • well you cant be too careful. if it would have been a bomb then it woulda been real bad. i dont really like clowns. they are kinda annoying with those little unicycles though you know
  • I don't get why its a big deal when it was only a balloon inflator. Who cares? Why should it matter if they used excessive force anyways? It wasn't a bomb or anything.
  • i would not want to be that clown
  • Oh wow. what's with the exvessive force, which police office watched the dark knight too many times.
  • I agree with Bri. You can't be sure anymore. Clowns are scary too.
  • lol, arrested for balloons....sort of.
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