Hot dog stuffed pizza crust? Dorito Shelled Tacos? Fried candy bars? Junk food over kill! Yep, hot dog stuffed pizza crust. On the pizza hut menus in the UK. Lucky for us; they think America is the second worst country now, instead of first!
What are your opinions? Are we unhealthy? Does it keep getting worse?
That sounds disgusting! I dont see how people could eat something like that.
That sounds disgusting! Hot dogs in pizza? With a mustard drizzle? Nasty!
i think aas kids now we have a high metabolism so we should be able to eat what we want now before we get old and cant i think hotdog stuffed pizza crust sounds delicious america isnt that bad for junk food i could think of some worse thing than what the they have now on the menus.
Ewww, this doesn't look good at all! I love me some junk food, and I am also glad we aren't considered the number one country in stuffing people up with junk food.
I'm suprised we are number two because we have a lot of large people! I think we need to quit having such calorie filled foods and we need to be more healthy.
Fried candy bars and hot dog stuffed crust sounds disgusting. I think that America is getting better since many people are making better choices for their health. But I agree that it is your fault if you are unhealthy, not the restaurants, since you are the person eating the food.
Who cares if we're unhealthy. That looks good!
well USA still have a lot of "good" bad food.. this is one of the things that i miss in brazil : healthy food
You goota workout if your gonna eat like that or else you'll be over weight unless you have a high metabolism
That just looks nasty! I would never eat that. I believe that alot of people in our country eat alot of junk food and dont exercise and thats why people are over weight. People need to start eating healthier and exercising so our health will increase not decrease. Thats just pure fat and grease up there in the picture.