Jessica Simpson was paid $3 million to lose her baby weight. Weight Watchers signed the deal with her after she had a baby girl. She is to become the spokes person for national campaigns and take over Jennifer Hudson's spot with Weight Watchers. She says shes ready to drop the weight and perform again.

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Jessica Simpson


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  • That's pathetic. The media is all about being skinny. That's why our generation is so messed up. We all go by what the media puts on the TV and that's how we think we should live. Being skinny is what a lot of girls are worried about. Thank you media.

  • cool. honestly i dont really care about the stuff going on with all these celebrities doing different stuff all the time. its just too much to keep up with. im sure a bunch of others are doing this stuff too.

  • Who wouldnt lose weight when getting paid $3 million dollars? But yet I think its kinda stupid to get paid to lose weight.

  • I would lose weight for $3 million bucks.. Why wont they hire ME!?

  • Why not for 3 million dollars. I know Jessica Simpson has a hard time keeping her weight off so hopefully it works out for her! 

  • wouldnt you want to just use the 3 million to pay for surgery or something, why go through the hastle

  • I'd lose weight too if I was paid that much money. I'm pretty sure she could afford to get cosmetic surgery to begin with, but I guess it's better the way she did it.

  • WHy would you pay someone to lose weight when their not fat to begin with? And three million dollars? isn't that a bit much?

  • wow $3 million just to lose weight?? its just start to run and go lifting idk.. and eat healthy

  • I don't think she is t hat fat, but again girls put on a couple of pound when they are pregnant. Maybe this could motivate people to loose weight too. It will bring in a lot of costumers to weight watchers. I wish I could have all that money. Money is a good motivator.
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