A worker in Wal-Mart in Boaz, Ala. discovered pseudoephedrine pills and a water bottle with residue in it in a girls bathroom. Those items are standard items for a home meth lab. Police reoprted that it can produce low-quality meth in under 30 min.


Have you ever found something weird in a public bathroom?



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  • Busted! and no, I haven't found anything weird in a public bathroom before.

  • So thats why most of the people in Walmart act and look so weird!!!:) I don't think that i have found anything really weird in the bathroom before.

  • woow.. i already found a wallet once but find meth lab its wierd.. well its not wal mart fault so they dont need to worry about that

  • That's really weird...why would someone even try to have a meth lab in a Wal-Mart...let alone at all. That would be quite the find for the employees. I would be pretty freaked out if I found something like that.

  • it would be funny walking into a restroom and finding that but weird.

  • Thats insane. How does someone manage to keep that there. And who would do that in a public bathroom thats really stupid. Plus if I was that lady I would have no idea i probably would have just thrown it away with out even thinking about it.

  • That's weird! I've never really found anything "out of the ordinary" really in a public bathroom but sometimes they can be pretty nasty! 

  • wow thats is crazy!   would would want to do one in a wal-mart bath room

  • That is really weird. I don't think that I've found anything weird in the bathroom.. maybe but I don't really remember anything too big. I'd be like what the heck!

  • That is not very good. I cant believe that that could or would happen.  I have never found something wierd in a public bathroom before.

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