I just don't get whu some people are racist. It is not like one group is really any worse than another. Every country and every 'Race' has crime and other problems. Then to go and tweet about it is just wrong.
Racial comments should not be said on a website or in person. I think the person should be punished, but I don't think going to jail would be the right punishment. I think having to go to jail is a little to far.
Racist comments in person are bad enough, but when you put them on the internet for everyone to see it's even worse. I don't know if he deserved 56 days, but he needed some form of punsihment.
He was probably jailed for slander or libel, the slander was just caused by his racist disposition. Being racist isn't illegal, but slander is (although I'm not sure how they weigh these things in the UK).
if people have a problem with racisism just ignore it if your think its funny keep being racist it doesnt matter it only hurts peoples feelings if they let it get to them what will they do next arrest @thefunnyracist this is against peoples right to freedom of speech.
in all seriousness people are going to make racist comments no matter who says what, and i dont think he should be jailed for it. people do have a right to say what they want.
I don't think that racism is right, but I don't think he should be jailed for it.. But I'm guessing they don't have freedom of speech over in the UK? People need to stop being racist. We're all human beings. WE can't help what skin color we are born with.
I just don't get whu some people are racist. It is not like one group is really any worse than another. Every country and every 'Race' has crime and other problems. Then to go and tweet about it is just wrong.
Racial comments should not be said on a website or in person. I think the person should be punished, but I don't think going to jail would be the right punishment. I think having to go to jail is a little to far.
Racist comments in person are bad enough, but when you put them on the internet for everyone to see it's even worse. I don't know if he deserved 56 days, but he needed some form of punsihment.
He was probably jailed for slander or libel, the slander was just caused by his racist disposition. Being racist isn't illegal, but slander is (although I'm not sure how they weigh these things in the UK).
if people have a problem with racisism just ignore it if your think its funny keep being racist it doesnt matter it only hurts peoples feelings if they let it get to them what will they do next arrest @thefunnyracist this is against peoples right to freedom of speech.
its not really a right to speak when its racist
Thats dumb he went to jail for what he had ot say. It doesnt matter what he says he shouldnt be in jail for it.
i know some people tend to push things way too far but i dont think he should get in trouble for it.
in all seriousness people are going to make racist comments no matter who says what, and i dont think he should be jailed for it. people do have a right to say what they want.
I don't think that racism is right, but I don't think he should be jailed for it.. But I'm guessing they don't have freedom of speech over in the UK? People need to stop being racist. We're all human beings. WE can't help what skin color we are born with.