Teens randomly hitting other people as they walk down the street. The news has covered it a few weeks ago. People are now blaming the news for the "game's" new found popularity. Some people claim that it is a "hate crime". I just think that it is rude to randomly punch someone's lights out for fun and laughs. 

What do you think about the "Knockout Game"?


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  • That's not a game, that's crime!

  • I don't see how these could possibly be a hate crime if it is at complete random. If they're specifically targeting certain races, then I can see how that would be a hate crime, but it says that it's at random.

  • So it is basically people punching people for laughs and fun, or for popularity? really people dont you have something better to do with your life. I dont get how this is amusing to people. It could really hurt someone.

  • I've heard some people have been killed because of this game. It shouldn't be getting so much publicity. People are getting more violent these days. 

  • I don't think its a hate crime. I just think it's something dumb teens are doing and parents should step up and get their kids in line. 

  • People are getting crazier and crazier by the minute. I hope that whoever started this dumb thing has this happen to themselves.

  • I think its dumb why would you do that and how would they like it if someone just randomly knocked the out. 

  • It is just dumb that kids will go around and try to knockout people on the streets. They could get seriously injured. I hope that a lot of them get caught, so this stops.

  • I don't understand why people would want to hit people for fun. I do believe that the media has unfortunately helped lead to more people playing the game.

  • It is not a hate crime unless they are just targeting specific types of people, which observation has shown that they are not. This is just a stupid way that teenagers have found to pass time.

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