A warming climate shrinks ice sheets, redistributing pressures on theEarth's crust. As it reacts, a volcano erupts in Iceland, quakes shakeChina and Chile. Author Alan Weisman wonders if the planet is tellingus something.
al gore is bighting his words. he made so much money off that book he wrote. global warming is just fictional but people can believe what they wanna believe. earth is just going through it's cycles.
I think that there is something going on with Earth, but I dont think that it's global warming. I remember something from cwi last year. It was a video that we watched and it talked about how the Earth has gone through this warming cycle and then a cooling cycle before so I just think that we are in the warming cycle again, and if the Earth survived it once, then it can do it again. So, I think that we just need to stop focusing on all the bad stuff that is happening because it is just scaring people more....
yeah some people think its the apocalypse or whatever with all this stuff going on. I really dont know what to think of it. Just the thought that we might not be alive in a couple of years is really scary to me.
Kind of weird isn't it? We pollute and do so much to mess up nature its a miracle we still have any left. and then theres the whole "the worlds going to end in 2012" stuff and ever since people started freaking out about that again there have been tons of earthquakes and other disasters and things.