Mykayla was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in July. She was doing chemothearpy for 3 years. Certain componients of marijuana shows slowing down cancer. California's Center for Medical Cannabis Research don't know if the drug would still help child development, but the same is true for other medications to fight nausea that are currently given to childern with cancer. Even though marijuana can be addictive, the addiction rates are lower that opoid drugs, which are drugs that associate severe physical withdrawl symptoms. That drug causes nausea and vomiting, marijuana reduces the risk of those symptoms. The American Academy of Pediatrics disagree, and opposes the use of marijuana.
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I am still nervous about marijuana and especially on kids. It's a bad drug and it should be illegal until it is certian that it can help people.
Why would you give marijuana to kds in the first place even if it is for medical purposes. I think that marijuana is bad for you and that you shouldnt even have it.