Is meat bad for you?

Is meat bad for you?

People that grew up eating a lot of meat and living in a farm country probably never ask themself that question, but is meat bad for you, and when yes why and, what is good about meat? Most people think that meat carries a lot of proteins and helps with staying heathy. I am mostly going to talk about red meat and what is in it. 


Studies prove that too much meat is not good for you. You should not eat meat every day and not more than 0.661-1.323 lbs meat a week. The problem with red meat is that it promotes colon cancer. It also provides a lot of fat which leads to being overweight, and it has a lot of cholesterol in it which can lead to heart attacks and vascular diseases. These things do not have to happen, but meat can have those effects. That does not mean that not eating meat at all is better. Just not too much meat. Red meat has a lot of good things like protein, iron and vitamin B. But another problem, especially with masses of meat from some corporations, is that the animals get a lot of antibiotics. 

I am personally not a big meat fan just because I do not like the way it tastes. I like chicken a lot and I know that white meat has the most natural proteins. I think that meat is different for everybody and some people feel sick after eating meat and some get sick if they stop eating it. A lot of industries make their meat so fast that it does not taste very good at the end. Fresh farm meat is different and tastes better. At the end everyone has to know for themselves if it is good for them or not. 


Here is a picture of the meat consumption in different countries over the years...

Meat consumption, health, and the environment


How much meat do you eat?

Do you like meat? 

Would you eat less meat after you read this article?




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  • Good topic choice as no one has ever done it before which is saying someting. Great job Tatjana!

  • Because meat is in most of our family dinners, I would say I eat an average amount of meat per week. Because I've grown to get used to eating meat, I would say I like most meat. Although my consumption of meat won't change too much after reading the article, it will become more important to me to not eat too much because of what it can lead to.

    • That sounds reasonabile to me. A lot of people eat a lot of meat or no meat depending on the family.


  • Because we live in the middle of Iowa I do eat quite a bit of meat. Seeing as I grew up eating a lot meat, I love to eat some good quality beef and pork.  This article does not really change how much meat I will eat. This is mainly because meat is like everything we eat, it will be harmful in large quantities.

    • I am pretty sure that the place you live in has a big influence.

  • I would say that I eat an average amount of meat a week. I do love most meats. I am not going to change how much I eat after this because I think I eat a perfectly healthy amount. There are lots of factors that go into why I will continue to eat mean.

  • My family tends to always have a sort of meat in our meal. I think I consume a lot of meat and this did not change my mind. I think that meat is a main source of protein and genueinly needed in ones diet. I think that meat is healthy and just fine for consumtion

  • I believe that meat is a great way to get protin into your diet. It has many health benefits as well. No meat that is consumed has antibiotics in it because a farmer has to wait a certain amount of days after giving antibiotics to slaughter the cow. For these reasons, I will continue to eat meat.

    • I agree that it is a natural way to get proteins.

  • I think meats are very healthy if eaten in good porportion. If your diet is excessive in meats and proteins, I could see why some may label the food as unhealthy. However, humans are omnivores, so I think we should not stop the consumption of meat in general.

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