Is Math the most important subject?

Over the past few years, people have been debating whether or not math is the most important subject in school. Most people argue that math is more important than any other subject because of the fact that it is used in almost everything you do. I agree with what most people think because Math can help you and is used in everyday life and in all careers that you can go into from construction to being a doctor.

According to a study at Stanford University, students with a high level of math skills have better decision making and give better visual attention. Since your math and decision making skills are associated with the same part of the brain. In short, this study tells you that math is good for your brain as a whole. Also, math can help you better your life skills such as budgeting, furniture building, and telling time.

Next, math can also help you with your cooking skills and obviously those are needed especially if you live alone or are in college. It can also help your problem solving skills and critical thinking. Because it helps you identify problems and helps you find the best way to solve them. Finally, as a whole, I would say that math is the most important subject due to the fact that it helps you better in everything.


Do you think math is the most important?

What is the most important subject?,other%20areas%20of%20your%20life. 

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  • I think math is a very important subject because of all the skills it teaches you. Although, it's probably not the most important subject. I think you definitely need to know your math and what you are doing with numbers going into any job you go into. 

  • I think that math is a very important subject and no matter what field you go into you are always going to be in math but I don't think it is the most important subject depending on what you go into. I think that no matter what you go into people always are using math.

  • I think that math is a very important subject because of all the problem solving skills it teaches you, but I don't think it's the most important subject. I think that the most important subject varies for different people depending on what they want to do in the future. 

  • I do believe that math is the most important subject because it can help a little with everything. I also think that math can help your critical thinking and problem solving skills much more than any other subject. I can see why other people disagree, but I think that it's the most important.

    • I agree math definetely helps with everything you do. Math does also develop your critical thinking and problem solving skills more than any other subject and that is definetely part of the reason why I think math is the most important subject.

  • I personally agree with you and think that math is the most important subject, but I think It varies differently for everyone. It varies for everyone in a different way because some people don't use math for their career, while others all they use is math for their job. 

    • I agree math can differ on the level of importance for different people and it definetely does vary based on your career choice in life. I do think that no matter what career you choose there will definetely be atleast some math involved.

  • I would agree that math is a very important subject but I don't think I would say it is the most important subject for everyone, maybe some. I think it depends on what you want to do for a career and then decide what class is the most important for you and your future. 

  • I do not think math is the most important subject, I do not think there is one most important subject in school. The only class in highschool that should not be needed to take to gradute is english, it should be opptionall for the writers who need a english class.

    • I agree that there may not be a most important subject in school but you actually do need to take math also to graduate from high school among many other things.

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