Is it better to be good at academics or at athletics?


Would you rather be better at academics or athletics? This question’s answer depends on each individual person. The person’s goals, interests, and priorities come into play when debating this topic. Both options have many advantages and offer opportunities in careers and personal growth. While academics can further your education and possible high-paying careers, athletics can further a future of professional sports. But, it is important to understand that a balance between the two is a main contribution to a well-rounded life.


There are many advantages to being stronger at academics than athletics. Excelling in academics can set you up for a solid foundation in the workforce. It opens up doors to a higher education, scholarships, and other opportunities. Pursuing a life of academics can encourage you to contribute to society in a meaningful way and continues to make you more knowledgeable about the world around you.


On the other hand, being better in the athletic field can have its own advantages. It increases your physical health, which is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing possible diseases. Being more athletic can open up many opportunities for a professional career in sports. Athletes can get good financial rewards and many other perks, while doing something they love


In my opinion, I would rather be stronger in academics versus being stronger in athletics. I believe that being smarter would further me for my future aspirations. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do as a career, but I do know that being better in academics would definitely give me an advantage for my future. This is a very subjective topic and could go both ways depending on the person and what they want for themselves.


Would you rather be more athletic or more academically strong? Why?


Are you planning for your future to be more involved in athletics or academics?


Do you think its better to be smarter or sportier?



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  • Great topic choice and well done Annabelle! I do wish you would have mentioned the fact that making it big in spoirts is very, very unlikely whereas academics gives you a much better chance at success percentage wise.

  • I would say I'd rather be smarter in academics preferably and now. I do a couple of athletic things, but moreover I like reading and writing the most. When I grow up my dream is to become an author and write fantasy stories. I feel like that is closer to the academic side than sports.Other than that I think you should just do what's right for you and you don’t give up.

  • I think it is better to be good at acedemics than athletics but I would rather be better at athletics.  Athletics won't be with you long in life unless you go pro although acedemics are going to be with you longer and help you get a better job out of college.

  • If I had to choose, I would be more academically strong. with smarts you could get into a veriaty of schools. Ivys would most likley be easy to achive with smarts. Sports, yes, could very well help you get into many school on scholarships but I personally think smarts are just better in a way.

  • I think it just depends if you want to be athletically strong or academically strong. Personally I would want to be more academically strong because it's not one of my strong suits and I probably could get a good paying job. Although being athletically strong would be cool to have too. 

  • I believe neither of them are necessarily better than one another. It also depends on what the high schooler wants to do with their life. As if they wanted to be a pro athlete, being an athlete would be better for them. They would still have to be smart, so they can make it into a college to make their dreams true. As if they wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer, being smarter would be very helpful for them.

  • I do not think either are necessarily better than each other, however, they both have their pros and cons. Clearly academic strength is good for getting good careers and possessing more knowledge. Depending on which sports you play, it cqn help you develop your teamwork skills. If I had to choose, I would be smarter.

    • That is a good point, they can both benefit you in your future depending on what you want to do. It is ideal for everyone to be able to have some of both.

  • I think that if finding a well paying job wasn't a problem, it would be better for someone's overall quality of life if they were more athletic. Having a positive relationship with physical activity has been shown to both prolong people's lives as well as being happier. However, being acedemically strong would open up more job opportuntities with the schedule flexability to take up a sport as a hobby (to play in legues or with friends) and hopefully get the best of both worlds.

    • I agree, there are pros for more options, but in todays society, it would be more beneficial to be academically stronger. It is ideal for everyone to get some sort of physical hobby aswell.

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