Is it appropriate to teach religion in schools


Do you think that teachers should be able to talk about their religion in school? There are 78% of schools that have religion in their schools because they think that it is a need. There are schools that don’t teach religion because they don’t see it as much as a priority as other schools. The schools that teach religion say they teach it because it is a part of a public school education because they think that is how people came to the earth.


I think that a religion class could be a class for people who are interested in it or people who need to take that class for credits. I also think that people who don’t want to take the class should not have to take that class because that could be their beliefs. That is what I think about having a religion class at our school.


Do you think that there should be a religion class?

What is your opinion on religion?






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    • I agree I think that is should be an elective because some people like there religon a lot more than others which is good and bad. I also think that if it is an elective people wont be mad because it wont be a class that they have to take.

  • I think that teaching one religion in school is not a good thing, there are other religions besides catholic and christianity but the only 2 that would be taught if schools taught it would be those two.

  • I think its perfectly fine to talk about religon. It's why all of us are here. I love my catholicism and talking about it. I believe we should be allowed to talk about our religon freely. 

    • I agree I think that is would be fine to teahc religon, because that is why we are here and some people should know that and others might want to build on it, which is why we should teach it as a extra credit class.

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