Cloning may seem like something far into the future that we will never see happen, but that is far from the truth. Many scientists have already succeeded in cloning many organisms, from fruits and vegetables to cows, dogs, and even monkeys. The fact that we are able to clone living animals consistently is astonishing. While cloning has led to many great medical discoveries and advancements, there are of course debates on whether it is ethical or not.
The first animal to ever have been successfully cloned was a sheep in 1996. Cloned from the cells of a 6 year old sheep, it’s birth amazed many, but frightened others. Some thought that this cloning was an incredible milestone in science and medicine which could possibly be used to clone and regrow damaged tissue in plants and animals, or even humans. Eventually, it might even be used to cure diseases like cancer. Some people have even used it as a way to get back deceased pets, like cloning cells from a dog’s hair to eventually get an identical dog.
On the other side of the spectrum, many people believe that cloning is unethical and should be stopped. Whether people think this due to religious beliefs or just think it is morally unacceptable, they agree that cloning is very unnatural. When the first sheep was cloned, it developed arthritis and a lung disease, making more people question the morality of cloning. The fact that some clonings are unsuccessful and cause the result to have some genetic deformity or die is considered cruelty by many.
I personally think that cloning should continue to be researched and experimented on. We could use cloning to help prevent or cure diseases and advance our medical abilities in this day and age, but also work to make it safer for whatever is being cloned.
What do you think? Should we continue to experiment with cloning animals? Do you think that it is ethical? What could be some benefits or consequences of cloning?
Good topic and summary! You should have replied more frequently however.
I believe that we should still be expiramenting cloning and it's technology, it's a great thing in some standards. I can also see how it is not right and is bad for the animals or whatever we are trying to clone. I think continue to cloning will be an advantage later in our future.
I think we should try and clone animals because then they could be test subjects for more experiments and also so we could make more of a certain animal. I don't think it's ethical but it could be very useful to the world in saving animals. We could find out more about animals and we could save animals for getting wiped out from the face of the Earth.
I think cloning is very cool and it is fun to think and see what sciencts can make. However, I do not think the experiment should be continued. I think it is not researched enough and I think it could cause distress or pain to the animals and other things they are trying to clone.
I think that cloning is a cool idea, but it is not ethical. I think there should be more research done on it, but for now it seems dangerous and should be tested in a different way. Every individual has their own identity and there is no need for cloning. I do see how it could be used for some medical purposes, but it is not ethical.
I think that its not ethical, but I do think that it should definitely be researched a lot more. But I think they should wait until they have researched to contine trying to continue the cloning process. It harms the younger animals, they are born in a lab, with no parents. Why should they be tested? They are as innocent as a new born baby. The more research they do the smarter they become, which means the better chance of not messing up is higher.
I think that cloning should countinue to be researched and experimented on because maybe one day we could clone people and that would be cool. I think benefits are we can clone lost pets or deseced pets, the science can advance even more and we will become smarter.
I don't think cloning is ethical, nor should be done. I get that it can be scientifically beneficial, but think of what a horrible life it'll have. First of all, it's born in a lab. It'll have no mother to raise it, and will therefore lack the right skills to ever be released in the wild. It'll forever be contained. Second, it'll always be tested. Poked, prodded at, pretty much tortured it's whole life. And lastly, cloning isn't perfect. Infact, it's far from it. Think of all the mutations animals will be born with! These will impeded their abilities to function normally and possibly hurt them in the long run.
Personally, I do not think that scientists should continue the practice of cloning animals. I can see where it might be helpful in the medical feild but I feel that is not the safest thing and it can be unethical. If we stared to clone people or even just any animals things could go very wrong and could end up hurting us and the earth.
Personally, I do not think that scientists should continue the practice of cloning animals. I can see why some would find it beneficial in the medical field, however, I find it to be an unethical practice. I believe that every individual, whether it be a human or an animal, has their own unique identity. I think that cloning basically takes away all individuality and diversity. Additionally, it has been proven that cloning results in defects and growth problems. This is yet another reason that cloning should not be practiced.