The term binge-watching dates back to 2003, but the concept really gained popularity around 2012. What is binge-watching? Binge-watching is watching multiple episodes of the same show in one sitting. In 2015 binge-watch was declared the word of the year by Collins English Dictionary. Collins English dictionary stated that the use of the term increased significantly in the year prior.
Almost 75% of Americans have admitted they’ve binge-watched. The average binge lasted a total of three hours and eight minutes. 87% of Gen Z, 90% of millennials, and 40% of those age groups binge-watch an average of 6 episodes in a sitting. During the coronavirus pandemic, binge-watching increased, because people were forced to stay indoors. People were spending more and more hours binging during the pandemic than at any other time.
Binge-watching can establish common ground between people, it can give people something to relate to. Romantic relationships can also be strengthened by binge-watching TV shows, it serves as quality time together. It helps partners bond, be together, laugh, and have a good time while watching a show they both enjoy. On the other hand, though, binge-watching can lead to mental health issues. The University Of Texas study found that binge-watchers are more likely to feel lonely, depressed, and have less self-control. When viewers watch too much TV, they become rampant. Watching TV can become an addiction, and it can cause viewers to ignore others, and become introverted.
In my opinion, I don’t think it’s wise to binge-watch TV every single day. I think everyone has lazy days, and it’s okay to watch one or two episodes of something you enjoy, but after that, I would take a break from watching anything. Give your eyes a break, and do something productive, something that can benefit you in a positive way.
Do you binge-watch TV? If so, what do you binge-watch?
Do you think binge-watching TV is good for you?
Is binge-watching fun?
I love doing it as well, it can be really time-consuming though.
For me, I have binge-watched TV in the past, but not really often. Binge-watching TV constantly is definitely not good for you because you are not being active, but if you only binge-watch once every couple of weeks, it shouldn't negatively affect your health. I think that watching is fun if it is a series that you enjoy, and it is even better with friends or family.
I think binge watching is great especiallly if you have nothing going on it's just a fun think to sit down and do especially with a good show, family, and friends. Now is it the best thing to do on and everyday occasion probably everyday but 3-4 times a week is fine.
I believe that binge watch isn't really good for you but I do believe that you can do it though, just not excessivly. Because the more you watch TV and the conditions that you watch it in may cause certain damage to your body
I think it can be both harmful, but also beneficial in some ways.
Binge-watching isn't good for you because it puts a strain on your eyes, causes laziness, and could promote other bad habits like not sleeping. That being said, binge-watching every now and again is okay and I would say everybody (including myself) has binge-watched something at least once.
Honestly, I never thought about how binge-watching tv could be bad for your eyes, you have a good point.
I feel like there are those moments where you want to sit down with friends or family and watch a show you all enjoy for a day or something, but I don't think it should be a constant. You should always get up and do something else besides sitting around and watching a show. Though I will probably get bored since that tends to happen a lot for me at least.
I think binge watching is not good for you. I think that it can come with health concerns because you aren't getting a lot of active time or time outside. I think that sometimes it's nice to watch a few episodes of your show or a movie every once in a while, but not all day.
I don't really binge watch, but if I would, it would probably be America's Got Talent. Binge-watching isn't good for you since of the multiple health problems that can happen. It might be fun to binge watch, but I wouldn't do it all of the time since I would get bored.